Author Instructions


Information for Oral Presentations for AMS 2025:

  • The overall time slot for each presentation is 15 minutes. Please plan your presentation for a duration of 12 minutes, in order to allow time for questions and discussion (3 minutes). Session chairs will rigorously enforce the schedule. We kindly ask you for your understanding and for your cooperation in keeping on schedule.
  • A video projector and a PC will be provided. Speakers can bring their presentation on a USB stick or use a personal device with HDMI output. Speakers are STRONGLY discouraged from using their own device where possible to help avoiding unnecessary time breaks in-between presentations.
  • Please bring your presentations on a USB memory stick in either MS-PowerPoint or Adobe PDF format or a personal device, and upload/test it in the Session Room no later than 15 minutes prior to the start of your session. You can of course upload it during one of the coffee/lunch breaks prior to the start of your session.

Information for Interactive Poster Session Presentations for AMS 2025:

  • A pinboard will be provided for each poster. Each measures 1.8 m tall and 1.3 m wide.
  • Posters should be printed with a maximum size of A0 (A0 prints measure is 841 mm x 1189 mm) to fit the allowed space on each pinboard.
  • The pinboards will be available at the start of each day. Posters should be set up the day you are presenting any time before the start of your interactive session. Pins will be provided. Please match your poster to the pinboard number assigned in the programme.
  • Posters should be removed from the boards by the end of each day. If not, they will be removed and destroyed.


   The AMS invites prospective authors to submit original papers in the form of either a one-page abstract NOT to be published or a two-page full paper for inclusion into IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases (subject to IEEE MTT-S approval), on all areas of microwave and RF technology. Two Microsoft word templates have been provided to aid prospective authors in formatting their submission.
Please select the appropriate template for your intended submission


Two Page Template (Published)

AMS 2025 Template - Word document, 62Kb


Single Page Abstract Template (Not Published)

AMS 2025 Abstract Template - Word document, 36Kb


LaTeX Templates

AMS 2025 Abstract Templates - LaTeX, 322Kb



AMS 2025 Posters Size: A0 (1189 mm x 841 mm)


IEEE Xplore® and PDF eXpress®

Accepted conference papers (if authors choose) can be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore® subject to meeting IEEE Xplore®'s scope and quality requirements. Compliance to the IEEE format is mandatory in this case and can be checked using the PDF eXpress® tool at:

AMS 2025 Conference ID: 63679X

Please be aware that creating a PDF eXpress® account and checking your paper may take some time. We recommend to check possible compatibility problems while writing your paper, so as not to encounter delays at submission time.