Organisers & Committees


General Chair
Hugo Espinosa
Griffith University
General Co-Chair
Yang Yang
University of Technology Sydney
Steering Committee
Kamran Ghorbani Christophe Fumeaux Amin Abbosh David Thiel
RMIT University The University of Queensland The University of Queensland Griffith University
Technical Program Co-Chairs
Konstanty Bialkowski (Chair) Withawat Withayachumnankul Shengjian Jammy Chen Forest Zhu
The University of Queensland The University of Adelaide Flinders University University of Technology Sydney
Publications Chair
Maria Kovaleva
Curtin University
Invited Speakers Chair
David Thiel
Griffith University
Awards Chairs
Rodica Ramer Khushboo Singh
University of New South Wales University of Technology Sydney
Exhibition & Sponsorship Chair
Bahare Mohamadzade Lu Zhang
CSIRO The University of Queensland
Local Arrangements Co-Chairs
Margaret Schiller Tara Rose Syed Naqvi Kamel Sultan
Griffith University Griffith University The University of Queensland The University of Queensland
Website and Publicity Chair
Thomas Baum
DST Group


To contact the organising committee please email: [email protected]