Awards and Competitions


   AMS will award best paper prizes in two categories:
   - The Student paper contest is limited to full-time students who must be the first author of the paper. The finalists are required to present their papers at the conference.
   - The Young Professional Best Paper Award is open to early-career researchers within 5 years of the conferral of their PhD at the time of submission.


Past Award Winners


AMS 2014 - Melbourne, Australia

Student Paper Award:

Zahra Shaterian - The University of Adelaide

AMS 2016 - Adelaide, Australia

Student Paper Award:

Amir Ebrahimi - The University of Adelaide

AMS 2018 - Brisbane, Australia

Student Paper Award:

Haihan Sun - UTS

Gilia Mansutti - UQ

Reham Fouda - RMIT

Early Career Researcher Award:

Wei Lin - UTS

Nghia Nguyen-Trong - UQ

Subdipta Chakraborty - Macquarie University

AMS 2020 - Sydney, Australia

Student Paper Award:

Marzieh SalarRahimi - KU Leuven

Seyed-Ali Malakooti - The University of Adelaide

Early Career Researcher Award:

Nghia Nguyen-Trong - UQ

Amir Ebrahimi - RMIT

AMS 2023 - Melbourne, Australia

Student Paper Award:

Linxi Chen - The University of Adelaide

Tianchang Ma - The University of Adelaide

Early Career Researcher Award:

Lizhao Song - UTS

Heimlich Award:

Jakov Mihaljevic - Macquarie University

AMS 2025 - Gold Coast, Australia

Student Paper Award:

Fei Xue - The University of Queensland

Haoyu Zhou - The University of Queensland

Early Career Researcher Award:

Kamel Sultan - The University of Queensland